So you've purchased or been given your one-of-a-kind Gallagher wooden statue and you absolutely love it. Now you worry about how to protect it from every day happenings. Here are some useful tips:
- Place your wooden statue in a place that is somewhat protected, like shown in the photo above.
- If you have pets that are playful, arrange for playtime in a room or area that your statue is not in.
- Don't place your statue in direct sunlight. Over time the UV rays will damage it's finish.
- Keep your wooden statue away from fireplaces, radiators, and other heat sources, including ovens, boilers, and heating vents.
- Maintain an indoor temperature of 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of 50 to 55 percent to prevent your wooden statue from drying out and splitting.
- Run a home dehumidifier to maintain a relative indoor humidity of about 50 percent.
- Position your wooden statue away from sources of moisture, such as steam from the kitchen or from the bathroom.
- Make sure your entire home is mold-free, as mold spores growing on other surfaces may affect your wood statue as well.